Ma’s Life – The essence of Gita

Gulzari Lal Nanda

Besides its bastis, market places, industrial areas, sprawling cities, scattered villages, monuments, places of worship and many signs and symbols of a new civilization, India has its Ashrams. In these in some ways, lies the uniqueness of this country. The hermitages of India have given to the country its elite in the sphere of the Intellect and Spirit. From them also have come the impulses which made great events and movements in the past.

When one enters the modest building of Arpana Trust at Madhuban and has a look inside, one would miss the outward forms and symbols of an Ashram. It is just a farm dwelling in a modern setting near Karnal in Haryana.

But it does not take long to receive a strong impression that it is not an ordinary house in which a few men, women and children dwell. One can see the difference in the faces and movements of these people. In an austere rural environment they carry on their intellectual and spiritual pursuits along with their work and other duties.

I was told that over this small community presides a lady, the Mother – Ma for everyone of them. I had the privilege of meeting her for the first time through the good office of Col.P.Dayal. He had given me some vague idea of what kind of a place I was going to visit and what was the source of inspiration which molded the inmates and the environment in which they live and have their being. Seated in the drawing room, I saw Ma coming – a benign face and a beaming smile. There were a few questions and answers. On my part it was an intellectual exercise. I have learnt since then that what you get depends on the level from which the question has emerged. It may be the surface of the mind, it may be the depth of the soul or it may be the need of the moment. In my subsequent meetings it was very often some felt need which I presented to her. There has been an unfailing answer always. I feel grateful.

I have heard her on a few occasions. I have read many of her recorded words. Ma has assimilated in her life the inner essence of the Gita. This is what she pours forth in her Satsangs. This is what her life embodies.

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