The Guru is not a limit;

nor does he create

a bondage for the seeker.

He is the real Self of the sadhak.

-   Param Pujya Ma

Srimad Bhagavad Gita – A guide to daily living

This elucidation of the Gita is extremely practical in its approach and a precious resource for all who seek the path of lasting happiness. For all of us battling our negative tendencies and seeking the support of Truth, Param Pujya Ma’s profound and detailed explanations of Arjuna’s dilemma and Lord Krishna’s supreme guidance ensure the path to victory. Ma said “The Gita is not a discourse - it is the Lord’s command.” A daily shloka reproduced here reveals Truth in practice.

Click on the books below to read
the complete explanation of the given shloka in Hindi or English.


Chapter 8 Shloka 11

यदक्षरं वेदविदो वदन्ति विशन्ति यद् यतयो वीतरागा:।

यदिच्छन्तो ब्रह्मचर्यं चरन्ति तत्ते पदं संग्रहेण प्रवक्ष्ये।।११।।

That which is known as Indestructible

by those learned in the Vedas;

that which the detached aspirant merges into;

desiring which they practice Brahmcharya;

I shall now describe unto you That state briefly.

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